To be honest, I never know what to say here. What is there to say? Should I highlight my proficiencies and gloss over my imperfections? Do I tell you I’m 28 but still feel my eyes and heart open to life with a childlike wonder? Dare I share that I love a good run, but I also can’t resist eating half a carton of ice cream in bed  before sleep?

I have to say, it makes me a bit nervous to admit I’m just a normal person, muddling through the ordinary stresses we all experience in life. And like many others, I also seek growth, peace, and a bit of discovery. Lucky for me, each is easy to find in Asheville, NC, the place I’m calling home. It’s a pocket of paradise brimming with creative, passionate souls, and overflowing with adventure and innovation. This city inspires me daily to continue my bid to live a happy, healthy, and rewarding life.

By this motivation I’m driven to be active, eat well, and exercise my creative muscles as often as possible. Here I would like to indulge all of the above. So, I’ll chronicle my steps as I move deeper into my journey to intentionally create moments of fulfillment and peace.

Be warned, there will be nerdy books, overly fattening foods, sweat-worthy diy projects, and an over-abundance of tips on how to spoil yourself. There may also be a slight risk of high-pitched giggling, but please don’t let that deter you!

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