There is just something special about a homemade gift. Could it be the fact that it’s an original; you can only get it that certain way when that person makes it? Maybe it’s their time and effort put into creating something for you. The fact that they think about you when they are constructing, what you like, what you don’t, what would make you happy. It’s that energy I want put into the gifts I receive and create. Whatever it is I don’t think anyone can really deny these feelings. My favorite gifts have been ones made for me by friends and family. In fact I’m left throughout the year thinking how I want more of what they made me.

I love making skin care/hair care, really any kind of taking care of this one-and-only body I have, products. There is just something about using a homemade lotion, shampoo, or soap, ect. that makes you feel rich. It’s also nice to know what’s in the products we use, keeping the harmful chemicals and preservatives out that cause us more harm than good. Plus, it’s a tricky world when it comes to ingredient labels from store products, they are confusing and it’s hard to really know what the ingredients are and the long-term effects of using it daily. Though, there are products that have more simple and organic ingredients, the downside is they are usually more expensive. When you’re in the store it can be hard to buy the $40 shampoo verses the $20 one in your hand, even though you know one is better for you than the other. We value money and saving money is a big deal. So here’s a secret, ready for it? You can make your products at a way better price, with a more satisfying feeling using something created from your own two hands with the knowledge of what ingredients went into it.

Now my rant about why a homemade product rocks my socks is over. This is why you should start with making this luxurious lotion and give it as a gift.

  1. It’s a great gift around this time of year, when our skin is just begging for hydration. I know mine is. I love using it before bed to just let the oils seep into my skin to cleanse and moisturize.
  2. You’ll feel good giving a gift that is healing and the receiver will appreciate something they can use that’s beneficial to their health.
  3. It’s a fun process to create it.
  4. It’s something they can use. I feel the changes in this day and age of useful vs. stagnant. With minimalism on the rise people have enjoyed having useful items rather than something that sits around to collect dust.
  5. You’ll be proud of what you created which makes a gift better received as something a bit more, let’s say, precious.
  6. Now you’ll know how to make it so you can create amazing lotion for yourself all year long. I make this lotion into a sunscreen for the summer; I can tell you how to do that as well.

Okay, ready to create?! Writing this has got me all amped to get in my kitchen and whip up another batch! But first, you must learn:



1/3 Cup + 1 Tablespoon of Rosewater

1/3 C. of Aloe Vera



½ C. Cocoa Butter

½ C. Coconut oil

1 oz. Beeswax

1 Tablespoon Argan oil

**All my ingredients are organic and the oils are unrefined. The beeswax was from my local co-op and is local beeswax!


Mix the water ingredients together and set aside. In a double boiler on medium heat, melt the oils together. Only have the oils on the heat until they are melted, then transfer to a blender. I use a food processor for my blending but a blender works too. Let the melted oils cool in the blender. When they are cooled they will turn an off white color. Turn the blender on high speed and slowly pour the water ingredients in. This will produce a lovely, fluffy, light and luxurious lotion for face, body and hands. Make sure all the ingredients are whipped up well. Add essential oils for more fragrance, without essential oils it has vanilla coconut cookie smell (in my opinion). I added an orange essential oil.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Make an infused herbal coconut oil. I used St. Johns Wort. In a double boiler add ½ cup coconut oil with a handful of the herbs you want to infuse and let cook an hour. There is probably a more scientific measurement for this but I use the folk method to just do it!
  • If something goes wrong and there is too much water when blending just drain the excess water out and keep on mixing.
  • Make sure your containers are very clean, this lotion has no preservative therefore it can mold in the future so use it! Keeping it clean will reduce its exposure to bacteria, extending its shelf life.
  • The consistency of the lotion will change; when temperatures are colder the lotion will firm up. Though the consistency is different it is still a powerful healing lotion.

Keep in mind moisturizing is the key to young healthy skin my friends!

If you are a visual learner like myself, here is the video of me creating my luxurious lotion!

Leave comments saying how this recipe worked for you! How was it received as a gift? Do you already have a great lotion recipe? Tell me everything!

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