When I say Asheville you say Yoga,
Asheville, “Yoga”
Asheville, “Yoga!”
How special is it having so many yoga studios, yogis and yoga pants all in one little town. I’ve done yoga throughout my life and living elsewhere but the feeling that it has in Asheville is unique to the people living here.
Asheville Yogi Denise Daneck, spills the beans on what makes her sweat,

I love to get my “sweat” on with Hot Yoga! The combination of heat, flowing movements, and deep breathing creates a wonderful experience of vitality and letting go. An active, sweaty Yoga practice feels like a body, mind, emotional, and spiritual re-set. Not only does it bring ease and comfort to the body if practiced wisely, but it also brings a real sense or inner-knowingness of oneself as pure energy and awareness. This is so healing!
Because it works on all levels in this way, Yoga brings me back again and again to what I refer to as my “core” energy of peace, neutrality, and all things loving and life-affirming. Of course, some days are harder or significantly less blissful than others, but unless I’m sick or injured, the practice always works to clear and move energy in the right direction. The great thing about Yoga is that it is about you, the practitioner, and finding your unique balance in the present moment. It is NOT a competitive sport!
Asheville, in my opinion, is an idyllic place to learn and practice Yoga. The studios, teachers, and communities in these tranquil mountains are progressive, knowledgeable, and very inclusive. It is so nice to connect with people in this way — to share in the universality of balancing mind, body, and spirit in the quest to just feel better!
Ah.. to just feel better, that’s always the goal and also, my goal for this fitness series. Can we introduce something into your life to just make you…feel better? After reading Denise’s answer to how she sweats and WHY she loves it, I can’t help but think how helpful it could be to everyone!

How amazing would it be if we could do something once (twice if your ambitious) a day to connect into our core. Then communicate with others and go through the motions of the day in this state of mind. I think the world would be better for it! Or at least we would be on an individual level.

Taking the time for yoga is worth every second to get into the right state of mind, from connecting movements with breath in a meditative style to set yourself up for the day. Big picture is to set yourself up for life!

Another great thing about yoga is there are so many different styles and you can find that best one that suites you!

I practice CrossFit on the regular and have been having problems with tightness in my muscles, even though I always stretch after a work-out. I have recently incorporated yin yoga back into my life thanks to Maggie inviting me to a hot yoga class and I got a membership. Yin yoga has always been one of my favorite styles and has really helped my body with tightness. Holding stretches for a longer period of time really unwinds my body and mind, I leave the room with a new sense of calmness and tranquility.

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