A girl with many interests, I’d like to think of myself as multi talented or just a professional multi-tasker. Oh all the dreams I have, I think my true talent in my vision and how to turn something ordinary to extraordinary. When I look at something, I’ll study it for what it is then slowly my mind will turn it into everything it could be resulting in a sudden excitement of inspiration! This is the spark that lights my creative fire. It can be with anything, a recipe that needs tweaking, an idea that needs to be created, and an adventure that needs to be taken.

As of today I am a 26 years old girl still trying to act like it but never losing that inner child. I am an athlete in as many ways as I can get my hands on, mainly as of now practicing regularly CrossFit and going bellyaking (a water sport). I believe in incorporating play in everyday life to balance out the determination and work put in to achieve goals. I am an adventurer and yet a homely person. A comedian with an audience of one- me, just kidding but I believe in sharing laughter is one of the strongest ways to connect to someone. Currently I am learning as if I am in a school of life. I study tons of different things but a main focus of language, herbalism and nutrition. My studies of nutrition are transformed into recipes and ideas on wellness published through Healing Food Craft, my passion, my business. I learn lessons everyday, with mistakes made usually but I would never change a thing! A Blogger. Happy.

Now let’s get creative with that and turn it into everything it could (and will) be, bad ass athlete, mountain biker, rock climber, kite boarder (for when I live by the beach), Bellyak pro, weightlifter and ninja mother fucka. Singer/dancer. A Traveler to all different places, countries and towns. Traveling with my newly husband, capturing my experiences in writing and photography. Also while traveling learning and studying different culture’s nutrition. Creator and artist, a builder (just bought my first power tool so JUST WAIT). Holistic nutrition adviser. Happy.

To be honest I am completely grateful for the way my life is now but to dream is what gives me fuel, my inspiration that wakes me out of bed each morning. My intention for this blog is to capture all of it, the journey, and hopefully it will be relate-able to you in some way. To teach is to learn and learn is to teach but to share is what it’s all about.



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