When we asked Lisa Zahiya, “How do you Sweat?”

she responded with the following:

“Dance, dance and more dance! I LOVE all different types of fitness, boxing, barre, crossfire etc. BUT, my true love and passion is dancing. In one day, I’ll teach a hip hop fitness class, kids dance, teach a teen performance group and then teach stiletto high heel dance! It energizes me and is why I get up in the morning. Dance is my freedom and expression. I am so lucky to have a job where I sweat and find joy!”

Lisa is the owner of Studio Zahiya, a dance studio downtown on the corner of N. Lexington Ave and Woodfin Street. As you can see, she’s turned her passion into a thriving business where she can dance all day (and still feel energized) and share this art form with others. What a great way to sweat and work out, all while having fun, letting loose and shaking your tail feather. If you need fun and expression in your workout to keep it motivating for a routine practice try dance! Just thinking about dance makes me happy, the music getting into your body and letting it out through movement to the rhythm to express how you feel! How great is that to do while working up a sweat and getting the benefits of physical activity.

You only find your passions in life by introducing new experiences and evaluating the way they make you feel.




Don’t forget to check out the previous articles in the “How do you Sweat” series! You can read about our motivation for sweating in “How do you Sweat: Why its Important” and “How do you sweat: Where it all Began”.

Play along with us and hashtag #howdoyousweat and #lifeintheavl on instagram. Let’s be a movement of healthy happy people y’all! That’s the inspiration I want to be apart of.

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