Luciano Menezes is a man with a drive for a healthy lifestyle. Growing up and working out on the beaches of Brazil may not compare to the gyms here in Asheville but never-the-less he has found a place to get his sweat on, at least for a while that is. Also, a man of many interests he loves to switch things up, going from p90x and p90x3 fitting his fitness needs, to CrossFit now, who knows what next.
So, “Luciano, How do you sweat?”
So, my exercise routine which gets me sweating is Crossfit, at least at the present moment. 
One of the reasons I starting doing Crossfit was the convenience. The gym or Box (what they call it in the crossfit world) is about 2 blocks from where I live. With living so close, it is a great help when it comes to working out because I can take a quick walk to get there and that is it. I don’t have to think about traffic or parking, none of those things which can be a hassle.
So that was something that definitely help me to get started combined with the fact that my wife, Jess, had done Crossfit before and was excited to get back into it since she really enjoyed the experience she had. Now of days we get to take quick walks to the gym in the morning and get to workout together, which is also a plus 🙂 
So once I joined and started training four to five times a week, I started to realized that there are several different reasons why it would be an activity that would fit really well into my lifestyle.
One was the fact that they have professional programming called the W.O.D, also known as the Work Out of the Day. Everyday you can just go to the gym and follow that routine without having to worry about planning a workout yourself, and it will never be the same which is helpful to keep motivation. 
The other reason is they have hourly classes and you always have workout buddies, so being at the gym is never boring. 
On top of that, the classes of course have a coach, so I always have a professional making sure that I am doing the movements correctly. The classes are also pretty short, its only an hour long, so it doesn’t require much of your time if you have a busy day, it’s perfect to get in, get the work done and get out.  And let me tell you, it will be one hour of full body and a very intense workout. Also as a bonus for the classes, there are always a bunch of cute dogs around 🙂 which makes the time spent there extra fun.
I also like the fact that if I’m travelling I can search for a Box around the area and just do a drop in, get my workout done and meet a lot of nice people during it.
The last reason is a combination of the reasons I’ve mentioned above, Crossfit is a great community, there are always some events going on where everyone gets together, sometimes a cookout at the gym, sometimes a get together at a local bar, etc…and that’s why Crossfit is not just about working out, for a lot of people, Crossfit is a lifestyle.

You might have figured it out by now but I’m the Jess he’s referring to, I thought the picture would give it away. As his partner in life and his workout partner I can say that all the above mentioned reasons to love CrossFit are all spot on. Finding a workout that can fit your social needs is great to consider when deciding what is the best form of fitness is for you. Maybe needing that buddy to count on you to be there can help you stick to that routine. It has at least for me and Luciano. Though, this may not be true for everyone and maybe a solo sweat session is more your style. Just another thing to think about when committing to getting in shape to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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