Scorch is a new name to me in the fitness world. New to me, but they are making a huge impact on their members. It was brought to our attention by our friend, Ali Shumaker. After hearing about it, we were more than interested to check it out and to give you the inside scoop!

First, let me paint a picture for you as to what you can expect at Scorch.

You will perform the movements all on one machine, called the Megaformer. On the Megaformer, you complete the instructed exercises slowly and under constant tension. Don’t worry though, the transitions are quick to keep you burning and working! Scorch is a full body workout and you can feel the effects after the first class.

Pro tip: if you have never tried Scorch before and you’re a local, sign up for their BOGO deal. The first time, you will have to adjust to learning the commands and making quick transitions. There is a small learning curve, but once you’ve got it you’re likely to find this is one of your favorite new workouts!

“Ali, introduce us to a Scorch workout and tell us ‘How do you Sweat”?

Thanks for the opportunity to talk a little about scorch; it’s become very important in my life! Scorch has so much to offer. Something really cool about Scorch is the more you do it and the more comfortable you get on the Megaformer, the harder and more rewarding it gets! AND it’s only 45 minutes, anyone can fit that into their day! It has not only changed the way my body feels and looks but also changed the way I feel internally, mentally. I struggle with seasonal depression and ever since I started working out at Scorch I haven’t experienced this at all this year. Scorch has boosted my confidence and has made me a stronger and more powerful person! The trainers are so inspiring and make the environment so welcoming and make you want to work harder. They constantly remind you of how strong you are and changes happen at your own will! If you are looking for an intense, short, and very rewarding workout this is just the thing for you!

To say this is a rewarding workout is right! Maggie and I had the pleasure of joining Ali for a class at Scorch! It was all core and pure strength needed to pull off the movements in correct fashion. I can see how this workout could be addicting, seeking to get more comfortable on the Megaformer to push yourself harder. I loved that this was like no other workout I’ve done before, and I’ve done a lot of different workouts! To move your body slowly during the exercises increases mindful movement and time under tension for the muscle group being activated. I can see how dedicating yourself to this type of workout makes you very strong. Plus it was fun!

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