October is off to a booming start for us, and it’s time to share part of what we’ve been working on. Recently, we did a shout out asking for our friends and followers to nominate local individuals or organizations that are positively impacting our local community. Boy, you guys did not disappoint!

Your feedback was incredibly helpful and we will be sharing more of what you taught us throughout the month. Today though, it’s all about the kids as we are highlighting a couple groups that are putting the youngest of our community first.

My Daddy Taught Me That (MDTMT)

This locally founded non-profit is a program that focuses on the development and education of young men in Asheville and the surrounding areas. This program facilitates growth and opportunity for young men in the more under-served communities of Western North Carolina. Boys ages 12-19 are invited to join this group that will help them cross the threshold of adolescence with maturity.

My Sistah Taught Me That (MSTMT)

As an extension of MDTMT, this is a developmental program for girls in Western North Carolina who are between the ages of 11-19, with a special focus on girls growing up in single-parent homes. The group is dedicated to helping to empower growing young women through education and opportunity.

WNC Warriors

This local basketball organization is raising the bar for its coaches and players. Dedicated to achieving the highest level of competition, the Warriors have created an atmosphere of expectation and growth. With boys and girls teams of various ages, this organization is facilitating better opportunities for it’s rising athletes.

Each of these organizations are working tirelessly to equip local youth with the tools needed to build a better future for themselves. These groups, and the hearts behind them, deserve our support. If you feel driven to contribute in any way, follow the links to their websites to discover ways to donate and volunteer.

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