From day one, the major vision of Life in the AVL has been to celebrate all things local. We have been striving since that time to establish a means of art exploration. Thanks to my son, we are making Tuesday “Art Day” to celebrate a local artist each month. Each week, we will share a different piece, and a bit about the artist. So, welcome to our very first artist feature!

As the mastermind behind our new logo, Christa Briana was our obvious favorite for the inaugural post. Several months back, we flat-out begged her to accept a commission to use her skill with watercolor and ink to create the perfect image for us. She took our love for the mountains and all things floral, and made the magic below.


Life in the AVL Logo by Christa Briana

The pieces you will see this month were chosen by Briana herself; and will include a bit of commentary from the artist. She has a seemingly light and whimsical style, that tends to turn darker by shades the closer and longer you look. Though many of the images are familiar to us, the mysticism with which she portrays them gives each new meaning and importance.

As part of a series she is working on inspired by Appalachian folklore, “The Fiddler” came to life following Christa’s stay at a friend’s cabin near Waynesville. “[My friend’s] neighbors told her a few ghost stories about ‘phantom fiddle music’ heard in the woods surrounding her cabin. We built a fire and stayed up into the early hours of the morning… we didn’t hear any fiddle music, but it was inspiring nonetheless! I love a good ghost story. Appalachia is full of them, its one of the many reasons I love this region.”

Many of the pieces in Briana’s collection tell a story; more specifically, they tell her story. Art has been an escape for her since childhood, and she will admit that some pieces were never meant to be seen by anyone but herself. It’s been several years since she was persuaded to answer the call and share her magic with the world; and she says the sting of self-expression has lost its’ sharpness.

This is just the first of four pieces we will be sharing with you during the month of October. (Well, five if you count the logo.) We will be sharing more of Christa Briana’s story along the way to dig a little deeper into the works and the artist. Do yourself a favor, get over to her website to see more of her collection. You should also be following her Instagram, and if you’re swinging by Trade and Lore in downtown Asheville, or Flora in West Asheville, you can snag a print today!

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